Academic Accreditation at College of Chemicals and Materials
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) maintains stringent standards to ensure the academic quality be in accordance with the Academic Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF). Various committees under this framework are working coherently to deliver the best level of quality education. The quality is assessed based on course reports, student and faculty surveys, Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) feedbacks and comprehensive annual and self-study reports using evaluation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
The B.S. Chemistry program of the College of Chemicals and Materials successfully received its first full accreditation by National Committee for Academic Accreditation & Assessment (NCAAA) in the year 2015. It was the first undergraduate chemistry program in the Kingdom to receive the national level accreditation. NCAAA is a national accrediting body under the Education & Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC), responsible for the quality assurance of academic programs run in the universities of the Kingdom. The Dean of CHM is also the chairman of the NCAAA Program Steering Committee at KFUPM and has key responsibilities in overseeing the quality standards of the NCAAA accredited programs in other colleges as well.
The B.S. Chemical Engineering program successfully received re-accreditation by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in 2021 for a period of six years. The program received its first full accreditation in the year 2008. ABET is a recognized U.S. accreditor of college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology. An ABET accreditation means our program meets the highest standards of engineering education in the world.